Round table: National digital scientific content - 09.12.15


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    On 9 December 2015 Information Society Development Institute organized a round table entitled: Scientific journals - a catalyst for increasing the quality and visibility of digital scientific content (Agenda can be found here).

    The event was attended by approx. 80 representatives of the editorial boards of Moldovan scientific journals, researchers from the institutions of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The round table, as part of the DISCUS project (International Visegrad Fund - nr. 21470018), was streamed online and watched by approx. 100 users.

    The purpose of the round table was to discuss digital scientific content and ways to enhance its quality and visibility. According to the joint decision of CSSDT and CNAA (nr.147 of 06/25/2015), starting January 1, 2016 all scientific journals from Moldova must be registered in the National Bibliometric Tool (IBN).Thus, during the event was presented the database National Bibliometric Tool, implemented and developed by ISDI, as a tool to assist the editorial boards.

    In order to implement the Government Decision nr. 920 of 11.7.2014 on Research and Development Strategy of Moldova until 2020 and the Government Decision nr. 857 of 31.10.2013 on the National Strategy for Information Society Development "Digital Moldova 2020", as well as the new Regulations regarding the evaluation, classification and monitoring of scientific journals, approved on 25.06.2015, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova is to make an inventory of the existing digital scientific content and perform a needs assessment, for the digitization of the national scientific content. The information and data owned  by science and innovation institutions are valuable information resources, are to be digitized, stored and disseminated, in order to be availabe for the general public.

    In this regard, the National Bibliometric Tool is a scientific electronic library which stores, classifies and measures public data regarding scientific publications of researchers from Moldova. At the moment this data refers specifically to scientific articles published in national scientific journals of A, B and C categories (especially those found in electronic format), evaluated and accredited according to the requirements approved by the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development (SCSTD) and the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation (CNAA) (especially those in electronic format). This electronic deposit is the deliverable of the project "Development of National Bibliometric Tool", carried out in 2010-2011 by the Information Society Development Institute. The repository is being progressively updated with new articles by ISDI employees and in time aims to become an important database of periodicals, that provides relevant data for evaluation of research results, researchers personal merits and for decision support systems.

    The National Bibliometric Tool is a unique national database, that has already gathered about 40 thousand publications from accredited national scientific journals. IBN is visited annually by over 20 thousand visitors from 97 countries.

      Last updated:  10-02-2016 15:32:05